Old Wounds,
New Hopes
By Angela B
Disclaimer: Not mine and never
will be
Note: Here is the challenge:
Pick an AU (preferable one you have permission to write in) and a character (or
all of them). Have them reflect on the worse thing that went wrong in the
previous year. ex: maybe Josiah's suburban was used
during a missile test, they busted the wrong person, or someone wound up in the
hospital repeatedly...whatever, and then have them reflecting on what they want
to accomplish in the coming year. Long or short, comical or
sad. Bring it on. All will be read and enjoyed.
Spoiler: Achilles
Character: JD
The sun was sinking behind the
blue tinted mountains as a figure in the cemetery crouched down on the heels of
his boots in front of a lone headstone. JD had found himself missing his mother
this particular night, New Year's Eve. Since the miles kept him from
finding solace at his
matriarch's own grave, the young Easterner had taken to visiting another's. The
grave laid off to itself with only the name Mabel visible. The young man had
felt drawn to the solitary marker and had often stopped by if only to say hello
to the abandoned place.
Now, squatting down in front of
the marker, he could hear the noise coming from the town close by. The people marking the coming of a New Year. JD kept his
eyes on the grave in front of him.
"Well, Ma, a new year has
arrived," he began solemnly. "It's been a long year it seemed at
times. I miss you a lot. I miss our talks and seeing your face every
morning." JD stopped to catch his breath and steady the sudden stab of
pain in his chest. "It's been a wild year, I tell you. Of course, you know
all about Buck and the guys. They're all good. They're down at the saloon
visiting and watching the shenanigans of the town folk. Chris' got a bet going
with Ezra on when the first person is arrested tonight for stupidity. I think
Chris has something up his sleeve, cause he had this
funny grin on his face when I left."
JD shifted his feet and
rebalanced. "I learned a lot this year, ma. More than any college could
have taught me," pausing to clear his throat. "I know you were real
keen on me attending and you did your best to save up money so I could go, but
there wasn't anyway, mama. Besides, I am doing what I think I was always destined
to do. Help people."
"This year has had some
good times. We helped those Indians from that crazy Colonel Anderson. Saved
Mrs. Nettie's farm and even got back the belongings
that Guy Royal had stolen. I met Casey, as you know." A
smile lighting on the man's face. "At
first I thought she was some
little country girl that didn't know anything," JD laughed quietly to
himself. "Turned out there was more to her than met the eye."
The young man grew serious for
a moment. "Learned that the hard way when I fell in love
with that Mattie girl. Or at least I thought I had. Casey forgave me for
that transgression and I never have been so grateful for being shot in my life.
It made us both realize just what we had."
JD cleared his throat in
apprehension. "Been some bad times, too, Ma, but you know about that. The
worst and lowest point in my entire life, Ma, was shooting Mrs. Annie." JD
had to stop and take a deep breath. "I didn't mean to. I really didn't,
but that didn't matter much to her husband, Hiram, or those two kids. I tried
apologizing to the man, but he was too angry. He still don't
even look at me when I see him in town. I can't rightly blame him. And that
little girl and her younger brother, Ma, I can't get their crestfallen faces
from the day of the funeral out of my head. I look at that motherless boy and I
see myself. I know from experience what he feels, and it's made all the worse
knowing I did that to him. No one else but me."
JD grew quiet for a moment to
wipe away the tears of sorrow gathering in his eyes. "Buck came up to me
and tried to make it
sound like it was all okay, but
all I remember him saying was, `I told you not to spin those guns, boy'. He
didn't mean it badly, but
at the time, it was the
harshest words I ever heard. I could hear the underlining anger and the
disappointment he felt towards me in that simple sentence." That was one
lesson I learned but good. Took it to heart when I was facing that fella alone at Mrs. Gaines, when there was that shoot out.
But that's for another time." JD took a breath. "Buck tried to defend
me to the town, but not even with Chris backing him, could he get the angry
townsfolk to back off. Some still look at me as a kid playing with guns. Buck
says it’s going to take time for people to come to their senses. I just gotta keep doing what I am doing. Protecting
the town."
"Even Casey was angry at
me. Told me she couldn't forgive me at that time. That sure stung, Ma, but I
couldn't blame her. Mrs. Annie was her friend." Wiping his forehead and resifting
again, JD continued. "But mama, that wasn't the worst of it by far. Taking
that man's body out there and
after trading coffins, I had to watch Achilles sitting on her coffin drinking.
That was bothersome, but
mama when Chris and them showed
up and started firing I hid behind that coffin. I hid mama. Behind
Mrs. Annie's coffin." JD's voice trembled as the memories tried to
swallow him up. "I know Buck told me to stay down, but even after those fellas left all I could do was lay on that ground trembling.
Looking up to see those six menlooking down at me and
I quivering like a child; well, Mama, I knew then it was best for me to
JD picked idly at the dried
grass in front of him. "Buck said the kindest words. He said he needed me.
But, I knew I couldn't stay
here. You can't stay in this
kind of town and not wear a gun. It would be the fastest way to be killed. Especially after making a
reputation like the one the seven of us have and I being part of that.
So, I left. They all came to see me off." A smile lit slightly on the
man's face. "Even Chris Larabee told me I could change my mind. Chris. It
made me feel like the man really wanted me
to hang around. But I knew I
couldn't. So, I got on that stagecoach and left. Buck was there to see me off. He
didn't like me leaving, but he stood by my decision and didn't try to make it
any harder than it already was. Made me feel like a man in charge of my own
life and not some little kid that needed to be told I was doing wrong and
needed to be corrected."
JD nodded absently. Of course
you know how it turned out," he said chuckling softly. "Never so glad
to see the six of them in my life as when I was driving that stagecoach back to
town with that army of deranged men coming after me. And you know the best part?"
JD asked with a wide smile on his face. "Chris told me I wouldn't be a
part of them if I was perfect."
The tolls of the church began
to ring loudly in the background. JD continued to stay where he was.
"It'll be a new year in a
couple of hours," JD announced softly. "I got me some goals to
achieve this coming year. I want to be the man these men think I'm worthy of
being. I want to learn from them, become a little like each one."
"Chris, now he can shoot
all right, but he can also hold that temper when he needs to. People think he
always just shoots first and cares later, but that ain't
always true. He's good at sizing up a situation and determining what is best to
do. I want to learn to do
"And from Buck," JD
paused to laugh, "No mama, that's not what I want to learn from Buck. I
want to learn to be a friend like he is. Chris and Buck get into it sometimes
and Buck just lets it roll off him. The next thing you know Buck and Chris is
thick as bees in a hive and before anyone knows it, one of us is the victim of
their prank. Did I mention Chris Larabee, the notorious gunslinger, has a
prankster side to him a mile wide. But even more, when
Buck gets himself in it, like when he was defending Miss Inez, Chris is there
to back him up. That's a strong friendship and I think its cause of Buck and
the kind of friend he is." JD laughed out loud. "Because Buck is the
kind of friend that will stand with you to the end and it inspires others to
respond in kind. I think that there is a quality worth having."
"Then there is Vin. Vin is more than just a sharpshooter. He can write
the most beautiful poetry you ever heard. He speaks from deep inside. He lets
his feelings out on paper. I would like to try that. It would especially come
in handy with Casey. I find I can get her mad quicker than a wet hen when I
open my mouth, but if I were to be able to talk to her through words, like Vin does, I think she would like that." JD smiled at
the thought of his girl.
"Even Ezra has qualities
worth having. He showed lots of times you can get information from people
without always having to draw a gun on them or threaten them. He puts on this
air of… I don't know what you call it, but you think you are in the midst
of some mighty important person. I have watched people when they are around him
and they respond to that. Of course, there have been times when people haven't
responded well to it, but nonetheless he does get what he wants, usually."
JD looked back at the town and
noticed it was getting darker. There would be firecrackers going off soon and
he wanted to be back in time for them. "Then there is Nathan and Josiah.
Both of them are much smarter I bet than any old professor at some college.
Josiah has been all over the place. When I was leaving, he gave me this talk to
made me feel better. It didn`t
help much, but he tried. He exudes this peaceful nature, except when he is
drunk or mad, and then it's not so peaceful. But what I want to learn most from
him is forgiveness. Mostly of self. He is rebuilding
this church in town. He says its because of penance.
Not sure what he is talking about, but he said he did a lot of wrong things in
his past and this is how is making up for them. Josiah says he is learning to
deal with the past and move forward. After this year, I think that is what I needto do, too. Move forward and forgive myself of my
"Now for Nathan, I want to
learn strength. Not physical, but inwardly. He has had one of the most horrific
lives you can imagine,
Mama, but he still helps
people. He could have become like Achilles, all full of wrath and hate and
turned into a killer, but instead,
Mama, he became a healer. He
has his moments, but then again so do all the others. He had the strength to
put all that hate into
something good and I think he
is one of the strongest men I have ever met."
JD was silent for a long time.
"Yep, Mama, this year I want to be a man that is worthy to stand beside
those other six men and be
counted an equal.
The sound coming from behind
him let, JD knew that the festivities for the evening were about to begin.
"I gotta go, Mama, but I'll
come back and talk to you
soon." Standing up, he looked down on the grave and added, "Thanks Miz Mabel for letting me come talk
to my mama. I'll stop by and say hello soon."
JD tipped his hat and walked
back into town. Joining the other six men on the boardwalk, JD stood next to
Buck leaning on the railing.
A plethora of "About time,
kid… Glad you made it back. Your time is impeccable, Mr. Dunne,"
made JD's heart swell. Buck leaned over and whispered in his ear, "Thought
you got lost. I was thinking I was going to have to come fetch you, JD,"
Then turning and looking straight in JD's eyes, Buck said, "It
wouldn’t have been the same
without you."
JD smiled and shook his head,
determined that he would achieve those
The End